This is our blog about the adventures and experiences of two Snyder kids as they serve missions, one in Mexico and one in Japan, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These are the weekly emails and pictures they send home.

Monday, June 29, 2015

(Hermana S.) I'm a trainer!

Helllllllllllllllllllllllllo from Actopan! ACTOPOWER!

Well, it's official. I am a trainer. Whoohoo! My cute little trainee is Hermana Ávalos, from Tepic, Nayarit (on the west coast of Mexico). She is so great. She is so willing and so ready to contact the whole world and really help change Actopan for the better. We have the same vision and I love it. 

I don't have tooooooo much time right now, we got to the internet a little later than usual. But I'll try to give you the low-down of what's most important.

1. We're teaching Judith, who is AWESOME. The bad part is that for the 2nd week in a row, she didn't come to church. But we're going to have a Family Home Evening in half an hour with members that live close by her house and it's gonna be great. :)

2. We found a new investigator last night, Griselda, who is a rock-star. I am not going to lie, I thought the lesson was going to go a lot differently because the first time we met she made sure she knew she was Catholic and not going to change. She is street contact from Hna. Bustos and I and we had worked out a few appointments but they ended up falling through. Bu,t last night we taught her for the first time. She had read the Restoration pamphlet and understood just about everything. She said the opening prayer and asked that God would open her mind and heart to our message (who even does that?!?!). And sooooooo, she ended up accepting a baptismal date! YES! I felt so strongly during the baptismal invitation that she is going to be baptized! It's going to happen!!!
3. After a long day, where ALL of our appointments fell through, we decided to go to the last option of the night, Bishop and his family. We did an activity where we shared a short message and did an activity. For 10 minutes, we asked them to make a list of all of the people that they know. Everyone! After, we asked Bishop to say a prayer. We all kneeled down and he prayed for the Holy Ghost to direct them to know who of all these people is prepared to receive the Gospel. Then, we took fuve more minutes so they could put a star next to all the people that they thought might be ready. This week, we are going to go back to place specific goals and dates to help them invite their friends to receive us, go to church, or participate in an FHE. It went well, but I couldn't help but to feel a but lousy for the day that we had. Yesterday in church, Bishop spoke and he told us how he and his family had been praying for a way to improve in their missionary efforts. He said they felt like they had been sinning, as they weren't doing all that they knew they should. He said that when we arrived, it was an answer to their prayers. Now they know who is ready and what it is that they should do to help in this work.

Oh, family. I am happy! I am happy to be in Actopan, happy to be training, and happy to be a missionary! I love this gospel and am so grateful for the opportunity to testify of the Savior every day. In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is no reason to be unhappy! As soon as we remember the glorious Atonement, we can forget what upsets us and be immediately grateful. 

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Hna Spider

New missionaries with their trainers

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